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Safe Haven Services, LLC is a family owned and operated qualified vendor that is contracted through the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) to provide safe, loving, and compassionate homes to individuals with developmental disabilities. We provide both adult and child developmental home licensure, monitoring, and support to families who would like to provide care in their home to an individual with a disability. Our agency prides itself on providing support and advocacy for developmental home providers and the members in their care. We are a family owned and operated business who is dedicated to helping the families and members that we support. Safe Haven Services holds our employees to a high standard. We can say with great confidence that you will feel supported by our agency and will feel like a part of our family.
Safe Haven Services was established as an LLC in February of 2019 with a goal to provide a loving and caring agency for our developmental home community. Seeing a need for energetic and ethical work in this area, we formed our organization to provide a safe haven for individuals and families who are looking for services and support. We are looking forward to consistently growing all thanks to the helping hands of this amazing community!
We focus on making the maximum positive effort for our DDD community. Our employees are available 24-7 to assist and support the providers and individuals within our care. We pride ourselves on providing top-quality services by supporting, advocating, and guiding foster care providers so that they can provide the best care to the adults and children within their care. We provide services that make a long-lasting difference.
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